Sixth example: Relaxation
The diameter of the particles can be given a lognormal distribution. This example shows how an ensemble of 20000 particles which are initially magnetised in the z-direction relaxes towards a random (per particle) anisotropy direction.
package main
import (
. ""
func main() {
//Defines the world at location 0,0,0 and with a side of 2e-5 m
//Adds a cube to the word with side 2e-5 m
test := Cube{S:2e-5}
//Adds 20000 particles to the cube
//the particles have a lognormal distribution of diameters
//with mean 20 nm and stdev 1 nm of the log of the diameters
Lognormal_diameter(20e-9, 1e-9)
//Don't calculate the demagnetsing field
//saturation magnetisation 860 000 A/m
Msat (860e3)
//timestep : 2ps
Dt = 2e-12
//initialise time at zero
T = 0.
Temp = 0.0
//Gilbert damping constant=0.05
Alpha = 0.05
//anisotropy constant=10 000 J/m**3
Ku1 = 10000
//anisotropy axis is random for every particle
//initialise the magnetisation along the z direction
//write output every 4e-12s
//Save the magnetisation at the start of the simulation (to see the diameters)
//run for 20 ns
The results of the simulation are visualised below. The particles are initialised with their magnetisation parallel to the z-axis. They have a random anisotropy axis, so they relax towards this axis (above the horizontal plane) The average magnetisation thus relaxes towards 2/Pi. This value is the mean of cos(x) between O and pi.
The diameters of the particles was taken from a lognormal distribution, to prove that this is implemented correctly, the distribution of the particles is shown, together with the theoretical curve they are supposed to follow.